Brighton Photography Group
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Host FAQ

Orble is a network of community groups focused on Photography, Art, and Craft.

Orble began with a single Photography Group in Sydney Australia in 2008, and has slowly grown to enable groups in over 200 cities around the world. There are about 100 events run every weekend!

The network website at provides a sample of the kind of events that are run, and the different groups.

Orble is owned an run by an Australia registered company, Orble PTY LTD, and is based in the wonderful Sydney, Australia!

Our mission is to make the world a more fun and interesting place by fostering communities, and running amazing events for those communities that entertain, teach, and inspire.

Each Orble group has an Event Manager and one or more Hosts. Hosts prepare and run the events. Event Managers promote the events, share successful event ideas between groups, handle customer enquiries, and assist the hosts.

Event Managers
Event Managers are incredible individuals with exceptional coordination skills. Each Event Manager typically oversees several Orble groups.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Assessing and approving new host applications.
  • Providing support and answering questions from hosts.
  • Assisting hosts in selecting event themes, planning, and scheduling dates.
  • Ensuring each event is fully prepared before it goes live.
  • Resolving scheduling conflicts between hosts.
  • Troubleshooting technical issues.
  • Promoting events to group members.
  • Responding to questions and assisting group members.
  • Fostering a sense of community among group members.
  • Gathering feedback on potential event ideas from members.
  • Hosts
    Each Orble group has one or more official Hosts who run the group events. The topic, time, place, and structure of each event is entirely up to each host.

    Hosts are passionate and creative people who are experts in their field. They are paid for their time and expertise.

    The core responsibilities of each host is to:

  • Organise a topic, time, and venue for each event.
  • Host the event on the day.

    If a host is active on social media, we also ask that they post to promote each event they are running.
  • How much are hosts paid?
    Hosts are compensated based on several factors:

  • The length of each event.
  • The number of bookings for each event.
  • Their average review score.

    Minimum and maximum event payments for each country are provided with the host position offer.

    All Orble hosts are considered Independent Contractors. They set their own times and schedules and use their own equipment. Each host is responsible for paying any applicable taxes in their local jurisdiction.

    Weekly invoice payments are made via direct deposit using or PayPal. The deadline for weekly invoice submission is Monday night. If you miss the deadline, no worries - you'll receive payment the following week.

    To submit an invoice, log in to and go to your Calendar page. View past events and click the "invoice" button.

    All reimbursements or expenses beyond the regular host payment must be approved in advance by your Event Manager before an event is opened for booking.
  • Host often are events held?
    Hosts are encouraged to run at least one event every 3 months.

    Apart from that there is flexibility to run events whenever you like, however weekend mornings at 10am are usually preferred as that is when most people are available.

    The maximum events a group runs is usually one per week, however it depends on the number of group members and demand which can also be seasonal. The usual cadence is one event every 2 weeks.

    For groups with multiple hosts, the organiser will assist with scheduling to avoid conflicts and to make sure the right number of events are being run for the level of demand.

    How do I become an official group host?
    Apply here.

    Applications are approved based on their experience and qualifications.

    Note: If you have already been approached by, or in contact with someone at Orble there is no need to fill in this form.

    Communication with your Event Manager
    Each Event Manager supports a wide range of groups and hosts. To keep overhead costs low and event ticket prices affordable, they primarily communicate through email and messages on Orble.

    While phone and Zoom support are not available, our Event Managers are always just an email away for any assistance you may need.

    Also note that Event Managers are located all over the world in different time zones and work business hours, so please allow 1 business day for a reply.

    Where are the events held?
    Events are held at locations both indoors and outdoors depending on the theme.

    For instance a Landscape Photography event would be held at a picturesque location suitable for the purpose, such as a park.

    Many events are held indoors. Possible locations include cafes, pubs, libraries, community centres etc. Free venues are used if possible to keep event prices as low as possible for the participants. Often cafes are open to hosting events for free in return for the sales they will make to participants.

    It is up to the host to organise event venues, however your Event Manager can certainly provide suggestions and advice. They've seen it all before, probably at least 10 times!

    Does Orble provide lesson plans?
    For many of the common event themes, we do have pre-prepared lesson plans which hosts are welcome to use, however they are not compulsory.

    What is taught at each event is completely up to the host.

    Does Orble provide hosts with insurance?
    Orble provides public liability insurance for hosts globally.

    If a venue requires a public liability certificate please request this from your Event Manager.

    How many people attend events?
    Events usually have from 1 to a maximum of 12 participants. We like to run small scale, relaxed, social events which are more fun for everyone.

    When and how are events cancelled?
    Events can be canceled for several reasons, including:

  • Severe weather for outdoor events
  • The host is sick, has a family emergency, or another urgent reason
  • Insufficient bookings to cover costs

    Please contact your Event Manager by Thursday night if you need to cancel an event. After this deadline, it's the host's responsibility to cancel.

    To cancel an event within 48 hours of its start time, go to your Orble Host Calendar and click the cancel button. This will automatically notify all participants by email and text.

    Event Managers are available Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm Sydney time. This means they are not available after late Thursday night USA and UK time.
  • How are the events structured?
    Photography: Each meetup is based on a different theme and held at a location suited to that theme, however they all follow the same simple structure. There is an introduction, followed by a series of between 3 and 6 challenges between which everyone regroups, and then finally the conclusion. Example themes include Landscape Photography, Street Photography, Portrait Photography etc.

    Art: Art meetups can be held indoors and outdoors depending on the theme. They usually have a single subject such as Watercolour for Beginners, or Drawing for Beginners. They can have a challenge format similar to Photography, or focus on a single scene or subject for the whole event.

    Craft: Usually held indoors, these events focus on a single project such as a scarf, beanie, or granny square.

    Events should be fun, social, and creative, with a relaxed and informal atmosphere where people aren't afraid to ask questions. They are not a formal class.

    Each events lasts from 2 to 3 hours. 2 hour meetups are shorter, more social, and have a maximum of 12 participants. 3 hour classes are usually for beginners, and are limited to 6 people.

    Do hosts provide materials for each class?
    Participants are asked to bring their own materials to most events. For instance for photography events participants will bring their own camera and other equipment. For a waterolour event participants would bring their own basic watercolour kit.

    Asking participants to bring their own materials and equipment greatly simplifies event logistics, keeps the ticket price down, and allows people to buy according to their budget. Also many people already have their own equipment or materials before booking.

    Try to keep the requirements for each class as simple as possible.

    There are some exceptions where are host will bring some equipment or materials along to an event. For example instruction booklets, flyers, or specialised lighting.

    Always get approval for extra expenditure from your Event Manager before an event goes live for booking, as it will need to be factored into the ticket price.

    Crochet: Beginner crochet classes are the exception to this rule. Because it's important to use the correct yarn and hooks, the host will source these for each class and submit receipts for reimbursement.

    Cafes: Often classes held in a cafe will also include a drink in the ticket price as a way to ensure revenue for the cafe in exchange for hosting the event. In these cases expenses should be approved beforehand, and the host submits the receipt for reimbursement.

    Which event topics are most successful?
    The most common mistake new hosts make is to run very niche events that will appeal to a tiny proportion of their potential audience.

    It's best to keep events as simple as possible, and appeal to as wide an audience as possible.

    Beginner's classes always do well. There are always many more beginners in any area, than those who are more experienced, and so the pool of potential participants is much larger.

    Examples of beginner classes include "Photography for Beginners", "Watercolour for Beginners", "Drawing for Beginners" etc.

    When a group becomes more established with a regular following it's possible to move on to more advanced topics, however remember to keep it broad and simple. Intermediate class topics would be things like "Landscape Photography", "Urban Watercolor Painting", "Drawing Portraits".

    The practical details of an event can be very specific. For instance painting a specific tree in a specific location. However the event title should be broad and generally appealing - for instance "Watercolour Landscapes".

    Most new groups start with just beginner classes. Eventually they move on to rotating between beginners and intermediate classes.

    Try to avoid very niche or vague topics as your potential audience will be either very small so undefined that people cannot see why they would attend.

    Too niche: "Crochet a Child's Glove", "Paint an Apple in Watercolour", "Photographing Snails".

    Too vague: "Draw as you Feel", "Photography Inspiration", "Exploring Colour Preference with Pastels".

    How do I create a new event on Orble?
    The easiest way is to copy an old event from your Orble host calendar, and then edit the details.

    This is especially quick if it's a repeat topic (like a beginner's class), and all you're doing is changing the date.

    You can also create a new event through your host account. Click on "New Event" and follow the instructions.

    If you're not very tech savvy that's OK! Send a message with the event details to your Event Manager via an email or Orble message. For each event your Event Manager will need the following details:

  • Title
  • Date and Time
  • Duration (usually 2 or 3 hours)
  • Description (what will participants learn)
  • Instructions (what participants need to bring)
  • Location
  • Meeting Point Instructions (be very specific)
  • How far ahead should I plan events?
    You can enter events into Orble up to 12 months ahead, however people don't usually book more than 6 months beforehand. In fact most people book in the last 2 weeks before an event, even the last 2 days!

    We recommend having at least 3, and ideally 6 events open for bookings at any one time. This allows participants to book ahead, plan their time, and take advantage of multi-date discounts.

    How are events scheduled?
    Most events are held on a Saturday or Sunday morning at 10am as that is the time most convenient to the largest number of people and hosts.

    However this is not set in stone. Many events are suited to different times (such as Sunset Photography Class), or even weekday evenings.

  • Large busy groups run up to 1 event per week.
  • Normal groups run roughly one every 2 weeks.
  • Small less busy groups run about 1 event per month.

    If you are unsure which level your group sits at ask your Event Manager.

    Rotating between beginner's and more focused beginners or intermediate classes works well.

    For groups with one host scheduling is simple.

    With multiple hosts in the one group it can get trickier, and we use the following rules:

  • Don't run more events than the group can sustain (see above).
  • Alternate events between hosts.
  • If creating events more than 3 months away, leave open slots for the other host.
  • If creating events less than 3 months away the first host to create the event is assigned the date.

    No single host monopolizes group events. However, if a group has an active and successful host regularly running events, we do not usually seek new hosts. When recruiting for a group, we often receive many applications from highly qualified individuals and up to 3 new hosts may be approved.
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